
The tale of a once proud and top of the game Alchemancer, whose shadow was ripped violently through a failed experiment. He works tirelessly to create a beast strong enough to reunite his shadow and rise again.

What do I do?


Extract essences from corpses for alchemical ingredients, use them to create shadow amalgamations that you can send into the world.


Kill stuff, kill big boys, get more corpses.

Each essence imparts different abilities/stats to your amalgamations so share your favourite builds below :)


Best played on a gamepad

DPAD/Sticks for movement within the Lab and Overworld

Action buttons for abilities

Team Mental Breakdown: 

  • Moonkey - programming/leader/gorilla father 
  • Craftglu - art / cheerleader 
  • Lochie - all-rounder / sideways skateboarder
  • Rhino - Voice Actor 
  • Ryria - programming/world builder 

Game Design Document

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